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Having Surgery?

Make sure you're prepared by asking your surgeon the below questions

These questions are based off of pre-op guidelines received by patients in the recent past.


If you, a friend, or a family member have an upcoming surgery, make sure you know the do's and don't's of what you should be doing leading up to your surgery. 

1. How many hours before my surgery do I need to stop eating and drinking?

Germie patient and doctor prepare for surgery

2. Do I need to stop taking any of the following painkillers before my surgery? And if so, how long before should I stop?

3. If I take any prescription pills, do I need to stop taking those, and if so, when?

Germie prescription medicine
Germie lotion cream

4. Can I wear lotion, makeup or nail polish the day of my surgery? 

5. Should I use a special anti-bacterial wash or shave any specific areas in the shower before surgery? 

Germie woman legs shaving before surgery
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